My Itchy Newborn Daughter – Our Eczema Journey Part 1

Our Eczema Journey
Part 1 – A babe is born

Miss M was born just over 5 years ago – our beautiful, first born child; but before we left the hospital Miss M’s face was covered in a “milk rash.” however, we were comforted by the midwife’s advice that  this milk rash would disappear in one or  two months.

eczema , ring around mouth, dr aron, weeping eczema

Infected eczema on face Miss M at 7 months

ECZEMA! Oh how I hate that word. Since becoming a mother I’ve discovered there are different perceptions on exactly what eczema is in the mummy world.  It can be nothing more than  a “patch” behind a toddlers knee that disappears with a bit of attention or it can be a child’s body covered with weeping, smelling, disfiguring, infected patches. Eczema in our household is a child sticking to bloody sheets, crying in agony and it is the shared concern of parents consistently anxious and wondering “Will she be scarred for life ?” “Did I remember to slather her in cream prior to bedtime?”  

On our return from hospital, I followed the usual pattern and attended the new mother’s group organised by the local hospital. I couldn’t believe how different my baby looked and felt compared to the other babies. Miss M’s cheeks would stick to my skin. She had a funny smell. M’s little face was cracked and bleeding. Her body was covered in a rash. Maybe it was me.. perhaps the other new mothers knew something I didn’t? They were all very competitive. Which mother’s baby did what first ? All I wanted was that my baby didn’t feel so itchy !

The local pediatrician ( Dr. X)  was the next port of call .“Yes, Miss M is  breastfed. No, there are no known food allergies in either side of the  family.”  Dr X’s advice ? “Keep breastfeeding”  I also received a  prescription for a  steroid cream but my baby still scratched and scratched –her little hands tied tightly into mittens in my attempt to defer infection.


Desperate, I began to stalk the net. I read avidly the posts of other desperate mothers. “It’s easy” I told my husband. “It’s linked to a food allergy. We just have to figure out which food Miss M is allergic to “ A process of elimination began with careful monitoring and recording of results. Nothing worked although a diet of  no eggs, no dairy, gluten free etc. did help in retrieving my pre baby body Once again we were prescribed steroid creams and antibiotics for infected eczema. The smell and the weird blood etched cracks disappeared but the rash continued.

continue this story ?

heres the link: